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Peer Mentoring Program


The Goal of the peer mentoring program:

Our goal is to support musicians and educators to use music as a vehicle for transformative change. Working with peer mentors, teaching artists, specialists, therapists, educators, composers, performers, and industry professionals, United Sound provides training, support, organizational resources, and curriculum that leverage individual strengths to create equitable opportunities and outcomes for all.

Through our own experiences, we know that the joy of learning and performing music is life-changing. We believe that all children should have access to meaningful and authentic music education and musical experiences.

United Sound is, by design, simple. Here's how it works!


To remove barriers and foster social change through music

Can all students make authentic contributions? YES! (90 seconds)

What does peer mentorship look like? (1 minute)

Learning with friends works BEST (1 minute)

Why is United Sound needed?


The problem

  1. Secondary music teachers receive little to no training

  2. No extra time or staffing to devote to a new population

  3. Lack of specialized curriculum

The Solution

  1. United Sound provides teacher and student training modules

  2. United Sound utilizes peer mentors to create a student led music chapter

  3. The United Sound curriculum includes method books, lesson plans, how-to videos, and more!

Where have we been and where are we going?


Intended to be an “out of the box” solution, the United Sound Method Book and Flash Cards use foods and colors to transform the abstract concepts of music.

“It’s a hard thing as a parent, knowing that I’m her best friend because there’s no one in the neighborhood or the school that seeks her out. And yet this program allowed her to expand those friends and those girls actually did contact her.”

- Ilene Whipple, New Musician Parent

“One of the things about United Sound is that we just love making music. It’s not about, Let’s see how much attention I can get. It’s about, What music can we make together?”

- Chad, New Musician

“The best part is simple. I’ve made a new friend. I’ve learned that we’re all just people who want to fit in and belong.”

- Amanda Leonhardt, Peer Mentor

"The campus-wide benefits we have received from this program are immeasurable. It's a win, win, win for everyone involved!

- Ian Moses, Principal

“This has been the coolest thing I’ve gotten to do with my special ed kids in all 26 year’s I’ve been teaching. It’s truly the best experience I’ve had in my whole teaching career”

- Tiffany Bunstein, Special Education Teacher

"My daughters are learning to teach! They are learning about life, compassion, and how to be a neighbor and friend. I am grateful for the involvement that my girls have had. It has made a huge impact!”

- Carl Bloomfield, Peer Mentor Parent