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Mission & Goals

Our Mission:  

United Sound’s mission is to remove barriers and foster social change through music.

Composer project Goals:

The goal of the Composer Project is to create more creators! We’re doing this by providing structure and support to emerging composers and easier access to their music for teachers.

  1. Make it easier for teachers to find, purchase, and program new music

  2. Get music by diverse and minoritized composers in front of younger students while creating opportunities for them to start creating and composing from the very beginning

  3. Help emerging composers to get the skills and recordings they need

We’re playing the long game:

With a goal of focusing on educational music, grades 0.5-3.0, our focus is purely on younger students. We’re working to get between them and the implicit bias that builds throughout their school years, ultimately preventing girls and children of diverse backgrounds from ever being able to see themselves as composers.


If a young person never sees themselves represented as they’re growing up - whether they know that they notice or not - it can have the effect of creating substantial implicit bias.