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Luis Vidal

Luis Vidal

Luis Vidal helps business and brands enter and operate in new and emerging markets. Born in Mexico and raised in the U.S., he is an entrepreneur with a predilection for international business.  

Luis earned a Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning from Arizona State University and continued his educational endeavors by earning an MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.  After grad school, Luis has helped U.S.-based businesses enter foreign markets, helped foreign businesses enter the U.S. and continues to do so today.  Luis is also co-owner of the Master Franchise for CaliBurger in Latin America.  

Luis’ involvement in the food and hospitality industry has led to other food-tech related ventures.  He and his partners are constantly working on creating new concepts, brands, and tech-infused ventures in the food space.

Aside from work, Luis loves spending time traveling and exploring the world with his wife Megan and their children – Luis Jr., Olivia and Nico.  They are blessed to be part of The Lucky Few, as Nico is a person with Down syndrome.