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Brian Mikes

Brian Mikes

Brian Mikes is an Entrepreneur and Angel Investor.  He owns a number of small businesses including a publishing company, a mobile marketing business, a travel agency, and a cabinet company.  He’s always looking for his next investment.

Brian is an original investor in, a top rated mobile marketing company., Betwext’s sister company, specializes in mobile marketing for nonprofit organizations. Brian assists both companies with online advertising, marketing and sales.  Through his leadership, the companies have grown over 500%.

Brian’s skill set is in Marketing and Finance.  He works extensively with small business owners in the areas of business systems, marketing & sales, and finance.  Brian works to streamline business operations, and turn companies profitable.   

Brian is a member of the Development Council at Mesa Community College.  He acts as Special Advisor to the Founder of United Sound.  Brian spent more than a decade as an investment banker in San Francisco, raising $5 Billion for technology businesses and advising them on Mergers & Acquisitions strategies.  Brian is a graduate of Claremont McKenna College.