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Ron Manus

Ron Manus, Alfred Music

Ron Manus is the third generation of the Manus family helping to lead educational music powerhouse Alfred Music into the future. Ron joined Alfred Music in 1988 and has worked in all areas of the business including sales, editorial, creative development, all the way up to Chief Executive Officer, but now enjoys working as the company's Chief Business Development Officer which allows him to focus on working with key business partners and keeping an eye on growing the business through strategic relationships. In addition to those responsibilities, Ron is one of Alfred’s top-selling authors, having over 100 published titles to his credit including instructional items for guitar, bass, banjo, harmonica and ukulele.

As an innovator, guitarist, studio engineer, and top-selling author, Ron has contributed significantly to Alfred Music and the music industry. He has served on several boards including the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants), RPMDA (Retail Print Music Dealers Association) Executive Committee, SWIM (Smart Women In Music) and the MPA (Music Publishers Association). Ron has also won numerous awards including the NAMM’s Believe in Music, RPMDA’s Lifetime Achievement Award - “The  Dorothy” and numerous awards for his publications.

Ron has spent over 30 years in the music industry passionately working to help the world experience the joy of making music.