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Herman Knoll

Herman Knoll, Senior Vice President Hal Leonard Corporation

Herman Knoll is the recently retired Senor Vice President of Hal Leonard Corporation, the world’s largest and most innovative music print publisher.  He continues to serve the company as a consultant.  As senior vice president he oversaw the development of band, orchestra and choir publications, and has been involved in the development of many acclaimed educational products and series. Mr. Knoll attended Indiana University and received music education degrees from Indiana State University and the VanderCook College of Music in Chicago. In 1994, he was the proud recipient of VanderCook’s Distinguished Alumni Award.

In 2007, Herman was awarded The Music Industry Award by the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic.  The Music Industry Award honors individuals for their support of music education through their work in the music industry. After graduation, he spent 12 years teaching instrumental music in Indiana public schools, in grades ranging from elementary through college. He also directed successful bands at Indiana State University; under his direction, the Greenwood Indiana High School Band received perfect scores in concert contests, and the marching band garnered championships in state and multi-state competitions. Mr. Knoll joined Hal Leonard in 1979, and in 1985, he was part of an internal management team that purchased Hal Leonard from the original founders. Under this management, the company has enjoyed consistent and dramatic growth through its creative publishing, dynamic marketing, and frequent key acquisitions.

In recent years, Mr. Knoll has coordinated the creation and marketing of Essential Elements products. This flagship brand represents the most popular methods in the world for school bands, orchestras and choirs. He has served as a tireless spokesman for Essential Elements throughout the United States and on many other continents, using these clinics as opportunities to encourage fellow educators. Mr. Knoll has served on many industry boards.  In keeping with his passion for music education, he serves on the Music For All Board, and is former chairman of the VanderCook Board of Trustees.  He is also a member of the board of directors for the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. Herman and his wife Sandy reside in Hartland, Wisconsin.  They have three grown children and ten grandchildren.  Herman and Sandy are involved with an orphanage outreach in Latvia through Mission: Hope. Two of their grandchildren are adopted from that orphanage.