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Ann Haenfler

ann haenfler

Ann Haenfler recently completed thirty-plus years of public school teaching in grades K-12 in both the instrumental and vocal classrooms.  Serving as a general music specialist in Mesa Public Schools, Ann was previously the Assistant Band Director at Highland High School in Gilbert, Arizona.

A native of Minnesota, Ann held positions of band and choir director in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at the elementary and high school level, and at Patrick Henry Middle School where she was head band director.  While teaching in South Dakota, Ann was the Principal Percussionist of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra.  She also is an active collaborative pianist for high school and college students and faculty. 

Phi Beta Mu Music Fraternity named Ann the South Dakota Band Director of the Year and her elementary and middle school bands were twice invited to perform at the South Dakota Bandmasters Convention.

Ann has served as Vice President for Elementary and Junior High School Activities for the Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association. She is active as a clinician and adjudicator in the junior high and elementary band arena and has performed as a percussionist with Tempe Winds, Salt River Brass Band, and the Phoenix College Band. 

She holds a Bachelors Degree in Music plus Teaching from South Dakota State University and a Masters Degree in Music Education from the University of South Dakota.

Away from the music classroom, Ann lives in Gilbert, Arizona with her husband, Eric, also a band director.  She is a life-long lover of Pug dogs.