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LaToya Webb

Dr. LaToya Webb

Dr. LaToya A. Webb serves as the Instructor for Undergraduate Instrumental Conducting and Music Appreciation. She is also the Instructor of Undergraduate Instrumental Conducting at Grambling State University. Dr. Webb earned a Ph.D. in Instrumental Music Education from Auburn University. Before her appointment, she served as a graduate teaching assistant for the Department of Music at Auburn, where she assisted and conducted athletic and concert bands. She also served as a music director and activities/events coordinator for the District of Columbia Public Charter Schools, and a band director for Richmond, VA Public Schools. She is the recipient of a bachelor's and master's degree from Norfolk State University. Dr. Webb also earned a second master's Degree from George Mason University.

A versatile musician, she has established a successful career as a music educator and conductor. Dr. Webb has studied conducting under Mark Camphouse, Anthony Maiello, and many other notable conductors within the profession. She also studied orchestral conducting with Dennis Layendecker. Dr. Webb was a conducting recipient of the 2017 CBDNA Mike Moss Diversity Fellowship, studying with Glen Adsit and Edward Cummings at the University of Hartford. She was also a conducting masterclass participant at the 2018 CBDNA/NBA Southern Division Conference, studying with Ray Cramer. Dr. Webb has the distinct honor of being the first African American female ever selected by national audition to participate in the 2019 U.S. Army Band Conductors Workshop. She studied with guest clinician Michael Haithcock and Colonel Andrew Esch. More recently, Dr. Webb participated in the 2nd annual Midwest Clinic Reynolds Conducting Institute as a conducting fellow, studying with H. Robert Reynolds and Jerry Junkin.

Dr. Webb has presented research about instrumental conducting pedagogy and equity gaps in instrumental music at state and national conferences. She is also published in the Music Educators Journal and the Teaching Music Magazine. As a passionate advocate for improving educational opportunities through diversity, equity, and inclusion, Dr. Webb organized the first United Sound collegiate program in Alabama at Auburn. United Sound is a national program that provides musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

Dr. Webb’s professional affiliations include the Gamma Beta Phi Society, Golden Key International Honour Society, the National Association for Music Education, Alabama Music Educators Association, the College Band Directors National Association, Women Band Directors International, Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, Inc., and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.