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Dorean White

Dorean White

Dorean grew up in Willcox, AZ and is a graduate of Arizona State University, earning her bachelor’s degree in accounting.  Prior to being a stay-at-home mom, she worked at ASU for 15 years in various departments as an accountant and business manager. 

She started playing the piano when she was 8 and has served as the pianist for a children’s chorus at her church.  She has held several leadership positions in her church and especially enjoys working with the youth.  Dorean likes to keep busy – she serves as the treasurer of the Highland Band Booster organization, co-president of the Greenfield Junior High Band Booster Organization, volunteers at her kids’ schools, and has volunteered for United Sound the past 2 years, currently serving as the Program Director.    

Her greatest joy is her family: husband - Jeremy and children - Sarah, Heidi and Josh and she loves spending time with them at their cabin in the woods.