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Tiffany Bunstein

Tiffany Bunstein

Tiffany Bunstein is a native of Mesa, Arizona and still lives in the community in which she was raised. In fact, she spent the last 20 years teaching at the same high school she attended. Tiffany recently retired after teaching for 27 years as a special educator in Mesa after earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Special Education from ASU in 1994. While in college she became a member of the Council for Exceptional Children and she is currently an active member of the National Education Association. She has been elected six times in the last 12 years to serve as a delegate for Mesa teachers at the National Education Association Representative Assembly.

Throughout her career, Tiffany taught at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels, working with a myriad of students with varying degrees of learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and autism. Working with disabled students has been Tiffany’s greatest passion, especially at the high school level where she saw so many students transition into the real-world environment where they would eventually become employed or live independently.

Her educational philosophy is centered around students gaining the independence and confidence necessary to become a self-advocate, as well as developing their character, communication, and interpersonal/social skills. This empowers students to participate and excel in visual and performing arts, P.E, culinary arts, and student council.

When Tiffany is not teaching or helping others, she spends time with her friends, family, and her ‘dog-hter’ Daisy. Her dad and stepmom both retired from teaching in Arizona (her dad inspired her to become a teacher through his guidance, patience, and years of coaching baseball). She loves visiting her mom in Florida where they can sit on the beach and watch for dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico.  Her sense of humor and energy light up any room she enters. She is excited to be a part of United Sound and looks forward to supporting their growing number of chapters across the country where everyone’s ability to learn and play music are celebrated!